I could iron clothes in my sleep. This is not something that I
necessarily want to brag about, it’s simply a fact of my life. Yes, I am domestically gifted, but there are many tasks
that each of us do daily that require little concentration or attention to
detail. I'm sure that some are much more important than my household chores,
but I use this time to plan my day and beat a few dead horses killed in the days
and weeks before.
This morning I used the iron and its
hissing steam as white noise while I prioritized my day. I’m no busier than the average
person, but most of what I was attempting to pull together today was an
exceptionally eclectic and random mix; multiple businesses, volunteer boards
and family woes. And then it hit me! A fleeting image of my forgotten homework
lying neatly on the dining room table; me, standing in the school lunch line
with no money in my pockets, loaded tray in hand; my daughter, standing in
front of the school impatiently checking her watch and looking down an empty
street. I had forgotten something major…but what?
When it finally hit me I had to
smile. What I had
allowed to sneak past me was a date that I had actually been trying to forget
for quite some time. How long I had been trying to forget is really not as
important as the fact that it had finally happened. I had forgotten to be sad
on the 10th anniversary of my brother’s death.
I won’t try to tell you that I hadn’t
thought of this date at all in the previous months, but I will add that it had
not filled me with the same level of dread that it had before. This was not a date that he and I
shared or celebrated, it was an anniversary created when he left. It was almost
like adding another birthday, but for all the wrong reasons. We only need one,
and I will happily dance on yours again
this year as I celebrate your life.
So well said. I have to admit that until a good friend called right before lunch, expressing care and concern for us since it was THAT day, I had not remembered. I couldn't believe that I actually had not remembered. Healing is happening. Mama