Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hell hath No Fury

I’ll be the first to admit that I absolutely love the computer age. Okay, I’m not quite old enough to have had an abacus on my Christmas list, but I am old enough to have lived a major chunk of my life without computers. I lived a rotary, rabbit-eared, black & white, AM, 8-track childhood that I wouldn’t swap with anyone. But when computers (models I could actually afford) came along I had to learn basic things about them that today’s generation seems to soak up from the womb. I didn’t exactly miss computers when I didn’t know what they were, but I cannot imagine life now without them.

But this instant wealth of information also comes with a few drawbacks. X-rated sites, spam and viruses are bad enough, but the real dangers are far greater and can be very costly. What we have to be careful with is the interpretation of  the information itself! Everything has a rating, a like button, a comment section, a share tab or a +1 option. It used to be difficult to make a purchase because you didn’t know enough, but now it’s even harder because you know too much! And can you imagine any item or service that everyone would agree was good? I can’t. We can hardly agree on what to eat for supper in my house and there are only three of us.

But maybe the information age will help with poor customer service, or “customer no service” as one of my favorite radio hosts suggests. I think of this as I read a friend’s story of horrible customer service from a very well-known international company. She posted her dilemma on, not one, but two social media sites and a blog site! Hell hath no fury like a…blogger scorned! No slander involved, just the facts. How can one put a price tag on business lost from one well connected and pissed of consumer? I say you can’t, and insuring the customer's satisfaction is now more important than ever. Look what happened to Netflix; they weren’t slandered, they were ruined by the facts…and the facts traveled faster than two old ladies on a party line!

Well I have to add that before I could finish writing this (I did take a break for a couple of hours) the company my friend was having trouble with had a change of heart!  Instead of coming to her home for the warranty repairs on July 26 as previously scheduled, they are coming in the morning! Oh what a tangled WEB we….Ha! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

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