Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thanks for the update

I have been sleeping really well for the last few months. I don’t mean to sound surprised by this, but given the fact that I will be un-employed in a little over two months…shouldn’t my sleep be affected? Two weeks of vacation over the Christmas holidays was really nice and I got very well rested. We stayed up late and jumped out of bed at the crack of 10:30! We drank a bunch of really special coffee and sat around and just talked. I spent a lot of time reading, often when everyone was asleep, and sometimes with earplugs in front of the television. I know that sounds weird, but just one’s physical presence makes a difference in the mood of the household. Oh, and I don’t like murder/crime TV shows anyway.
But I have also been sleeping with my ear plugs. I usually save this for allergy season because this is the time my wife chooses to harvest her timber, but lately I’ve used them just because. Those chain saws and log trucks make sleep difficult and I hate a day of work after a fitful night of attempted sleep. Ear plugs are great. I have quite a bit of “head noise” in my old age and when I first started using the plugs it sounded like I needed to back away from the microphone; too much feedback. This is probably caused by either noisy machinery or loud music; it’s a shrill ringing. At first I expected to open my eyes and see a television test pattern, (jump right up and show your age), but eventually I got used to it and it became a comforting background noise.
But sleep this deep causes me to not remember my dreams quite as well as I usually do; I guess I sleep right through them! But when I do remember the dream, it sticks with me for a while. I have my normal pre-sleep routine that I practice every night without fail. As I say my prayers I always ask to not be disturbed by my dreams and to not be given one that I don’t understand. This works for me most of the time and I have gotten well practiced in using them to solve problems. Then right in the middle of everything great, I get an old fashioned visit!
His first visit was only a couple of days after he died. Physically it wasn’t him, but one look in his eyes and I knew exactly who he was. It was great! I understood that he was fine, and while I still missed him dearly, I no longer worried for him. Thanks. I had one more in the next few days and then he was gone; question and answer session over. I understand that if you told me everything you would have to kill me, so I appreciate what you give. Last night was great because I didn’t ask for it and I didn’t expect it. Everybody loves a good surprise! I wish I could still scratch your belly every night like I used to, but I’ll take what I get. Come by anytime, I’ll leave the light on.


  1. You will always know who he is no matter how he appears. :)

  2. It's amazing! He has yet to be himself as I knew him.
